You Should Know About Car insurance in Florida
Florida insurance laws are quite different from the requirements in other states, so it is important that you understand exactly what your insurance requirements are before choosing a policy. The following tips will help you make the best decisions when it comes to finding car insurance in fl.
Required Insurance
Florida requires all drivers who register vehicles with four or more wheels to carry insurance coverage on their vehicle. Unlike most other states, Florida only requires two types of coverages to legally operate a vehicle.
No Fault or Personal Injury Protection
No Fault, or PIP insurance is required in Florida. All drivers must carry a minimum of $10,000 PIP insurance. This insurance provides coverage in several different instances, regardless of who is at fault in the accident, including:
- Household members, children, or other passengers that are not covered under another PIP policy, and do not own their own vehicle.
- PIP provides coverage for people who are driving your vehicle with your permission
- Children who are injured while riding the school bus
- If you are riding in another person’s vehicle and are injured
- If you are injured by another vehicle while riding a bicycle or walking
Property Damage Liability or PDL Insurance
PDL is another type of insurance that is required in the state of Florida. This insurance provides coverage for any damages that you or someone driving your car with your permission may cause to someone else’s property during a crash. This can include damages to their vehicle, fence, mailbox, or other personal property that might be damaged due to an accident involving your vehicle. Drivers must carry a minimum of $10,000 in coverage for this insurance as well.
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